"Pullip" is the name of the main character in a line of large-headed 12" fashion dolls created by Korean artist Cheonsang Cheonha. I think the name Pullip means "young leaf." The history of these dolls is a little confusing for someone like myself who became interested in the dolls only recently. Pullip dolls were first made in 2003 by the Japanese company Jun Planning. In 2009, Jun Planning of Japan filed for bankruptcy, but left their American branch,
Jun Planning USA, open and operational through 2010. Jun Planning USA shifted the handling of their Pullip doll releases to Korean-based
Groove, Inc and now the Jun Planning USA website seems out of date and all of the new Pullip dolls have "Groove, Inc" on their boxes. Despite this switch, you will still occasionally see Pullips referred to as "Jun Planning dolls."
The details of the Pullip dolls themselves are also somewhat confusing to a newcomer. The Pullip character has a personality profile (she goes to a private school in Italy and enjoys scuba diving...) and she has a boyfriend (Taeyang), and any doll released with her face is called "Pullip." However, each individual Pullip doll also has its own unique name and personality, making it seem like a completely different character. For instance, the doll I will de-box in this review is named "Elisabeth" and she's a vampire dressed in medieval clothes. I don't think she spends much time scuba diving. So, I prefer to think of "Pullip" as just a face sculpt, and then each of the different dolls with this face is a personality all her own.
In this post, I will discuss some of the general features of Pullip dolls while de-boxing and doing an in-depth review of
Elisabeth the vampire from 2010. I will talk about Pullip's companions (Dal, Byul, Taeyang and Isul) another time. Here's Elisabeth:
She's creepy-awesome. |