The Descendants movie plot centers around Ben, who is the son of Belle and the Beast. The teenaged prince decides to invite several of the villain's kids (who have grown up banished on the Isle of the Lost) to attend his fancy prep school...and then--if I am judging from the trailer correctly--promptly falls in love with one of them. The villain kids feel torn between the wishes of their evil parents and a growing fondness for Ben and his royal friends. Several things about this whole set-up are confusing to me (do all of the fairy tale characters live in the same kingdom? Are they all the same age? Why does Ben get to be the leader? Didn't most of the villains die before they got to reproduce?) but I'm willing to wait and see if everything is explained in the actual movie.
I thought that the 11-inch Descendants fashion dolls were being released just before the movie (on July 20th), so I pre-ordered a few of them and was eagerly anticipating their arrival. However, last weekend I was visiting a Toys R Us store up north and found four of the dolls already in stock! This was a nice surprise, so I jumped on the chance to do a review of one of the characters I didn't pre-order--who actually seems like she might be the star of the whole movie: Mal, the daughter of Maleficent.
Disney Descendants "Signature Mal" doll, $19.99. |