With Hanukkah almost over and the Christmas season kicking into full swing, this is a special, hectic time of year. I love seeing our Main Street come to life with lights, and hearing my kids sing carols out in the cold. Of course another integral part of this season is shopping, and I am thinking hard about donations and gifts--especially presents for the amazing children in my life.
I hope that the content of this blog is helpful to those of you who are looking for a special doll for someone you love, but many of the dolls I review are hard to find, discontinued, or expensive. I thought that in honor of this bustling shopping season, I would head out to a few local stores and see what is available for those of us who are just getting started with our gift-hunting now. I'll show you what I found and give you my top ten list of what I would buy. I also really hope that you will chime in with what you've found in your part of the world and what you think the best dolls and toys of the season are. There is also a poll on the right side of the page where you can vote for the doll that you'd most like to see reviewed in more depth.
Today, I am going to focus on Target because it is one of my favorite places to shop and it tends to be well-stocked. I will also add some comparisons to Toys R Us, my other most frequented big box toy store. Next week I will visit a smaller, privately-owned toy store. I'll get things started by showing you one doll I actually did buy: Monster High's new Jane Boolittle, who has the most awesome pet accessory ever:
Monster High "Jane Boolittle" and her pet sloth (Toys R Us, $21.99) |