I am absolutely crazy about kitchen sets, as you know if you've read my
Muppet kitchen review, my
Li'l Woodzeez bakery review or my
Monster High Coffin Bean comparison review. Oh--and also my
Kurhn kitchen set review and my
Sylvanian Family bakery review. Hm. I didn't realize I had quite so many food-related play sets. Anyway, I am also on a bit of a 18" play doll kick thanks to my recent
introduction to
American Girls. So, my current obsessions certainly make this play set very timely, but I think it is an unequivocally neat kitchen set that might also be the best doll purchase bargain of the year. If I had younger kids, this set would already be stashed away and ready for a big, wonderful surprise on Christmas morning. It packs a huge amount of fun into a surprisingly small (yet still impressive) box. In fact, there are so many pieces with this set, my usual review approach got a little ridiculous. There are a
ton of pictures in this post. I have tried to make some of them small to save space, but as always, you can click on pictures to make them larger if you want to see more detail. If you don't want to see pictures that ruin the surprise of what's in the box, just read the first few paragraphs after the jump. There's a weird marketing thing going on and I don't want anyone to mistakenly buy the wrong set.
There's a lot to see here, so without any more delay, let's look at Our Generation Jenny and her Gourmet Kitchen Set. Fasten your seat belts.
Our Generation Jenny and her Gourmet Kitchen. |