There's been a lot of
Monster High excitement lately, at least in my house. Do you remember back in January when
I mentioned that Meowlody and Purrsephone went up for pre-order on Toys R Us for about 5 seconds? Well, I pre-ordered the set then, but didn't actually believe they'd ever come. I mean, the whole Monster High availability thing has been strange, don't you think? In fact, I'd love to collect data on this. Which dolls are showing up where? Here in Maine, we have a lot of Skull Shores dolls, and that's about it. The Sweet 1600 dolls were easy to find for about three weeks and have now disappeared. There was one huge shipment of Nefera DeNile and Operetta, and then nothing since. I have still only seen two of the original Abbey Bominables in the store and have never seen a
single Cupid. I think I'll start a new poll about this. The old poll revealed that 62% of you think JAMIEshow
Lee looks best without a wig, which is pretty definitive, so I think we're ready for a new poll.
Anyway, out of the blue, the feline twins arrived yesterday. I have not seen them in stores here yet, so I am glad I pre-ordered. I was a bit nervous about ordering these online, though, since hand-picking a Monster High doll is significantly safer than buying one sight unseen. Still, I figured it would be educational to see the quality level of a random sample. Here they are:
Monster High Meowlody and Purrsephone gift set. |