You might remember that when I reviewed the
Lalaloopsy Marina Anchors doll, my biggest complaints about her were her price tag, her packaging and her unruly top-heavy body. I was also conflicted about the notion of a
plastic rag doll. I appreciate the superior durability of a plastic doll, and I also admire how MGA gave the Lalaloopsy dolls floppy articulation to mimic a cloth doll, but it seems to me that a magical doll who, "comes to life when her last stitch is placed," should probably have some actual stitches in her.
In what seemed like an instantaneous response to my complaints (but could have been coincidence) cloth Lalaloopsy dolls showed up in Toys R Us right after I wrote that review. These newer dolls are about 10" tall and made completely out of fabric. They come in simple cardboard boxes, and they cost under $20. I found mine at Target for $14.99. They are more expensive on Amazon. I chose Mittens for my review because she has blue hair and black eyes, just like Marina:
Lalaloopsy cloth Mittens Fluff 'N' Stuff |