It's been a while since I've done a Sunday Surprise post, and during that time–not surprisingly–MGA Entertainment has released yet another group of L.O.L. Surprise dolls! They're called Confetti Pop and they sound pretty awesome.
I've had a bit of L.O.L Surprise overload lately, so I wasn't really planning on reviewing any more of these toys, but the Confetti dolls have a few new tricks up their sleeves that I really wanted to see for myself.
I didn't want to make this review all about the L.O.L. dolls, though, so I decided to include another ball-enclosed surprise toy: Surprizamals by the Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Company. I've accumulated four Surprizamal balls over the past year and have only opened one of them. I'm eager to open the rest! To start things off, here's my opened Surprizamal dog, Pam, with the (disappointing)
L.O.L. dolls from my last review:
A L.O.L. Series 3 Pet, a Surprizamal, and a L.O.L. Glitter Series doll. |