I mentioned last week in my
Saskia Project post that I've been anticipating the arrival of a surprise reborn baby for the past month. I ordered this baby because I adore surprises, of course, but also because I was curious to see another reborn doll up-close. I thought it might be helpful for me to see a reborn artist's work as I struggle with Saskia's paint. This mystery baby arrived a few weeks ago and I finally opened the box on Wednesday. It has definitely been helpful to look at how this baby was completed. I'm also very grateful for the tips and encouragement from all of you! I feel re-energized in my efforts to make Saskia as nice as possible. Thank you.
For anyone arriving late to this party, I'll quickly explain what a surprise reborn doll is. A reborn doll is a made-over play doll or a doll assembled from a kit. Typical reborn kits include a blank vinyl head and limbs and perhaps an unfilled cloth body. That's it. Artists and collectors paint these kits, add eyes and hair, and assemble the parts onto stuffed, weighted bodies. A
surprise reborn baby is a completed doll offered for sale by a reborn artist, but all of the characteristics of the doll are left up to the artist to decide. These qualities are kept secret from the buyer...to add a fun element of mystery. So, I did not know this baby's gender, size or appearance until I opened the box!
I searched high and low for just the right surprise reborn doll. There are many different options out there--both on eBay and on Etsy. I spent a lot of time looking at artists' past work and reading their customer reviews. I finally found a shop with good prices, good reviews, and a light-handed painting technique that I admire: Brenda's Reborns over on Etsy (
Brendasreborns). Brenda charges $130 for her surprise reborn babies, and also offers a large selection of custom dolls ranging from $130 to $300 (for a set of twins). I told Brenda that there was no hurry, but I still received my baby quickly--about three weeks after I placed the order.
Surprise reborn doll by Brenda's Reborns ($130). |