The only dolls that followed me home from
Manhattan last weekend are the William and Catherine Barbie dolls that I found at the massive Toys R Us in Times Square. I had seen this set in pictures online and been slightly interested, but never interested enough to shell out the currency necessary to buy them. I don't know if it was seeing them in person that won me over, or that I was caught up in the excitement of the big city, but they seemed like the perfect set to buy at the time--certainly the most special of the numerous Barbie sets that were on display. The problem with getting caught up in a moment is that you loose track of things like the little fact that while I paid $127, this set actually only costs $109 if you buy it online...and I mean if you buy it online
at Toys R Us. So I paid a premium for the experience of buying it at the flagship store, but I guess I am okay with that. It's a really fun store.
Incidentally, the other Barbie set that kept catching my eye on this trip was the
Pillow Talk set with Rock Hudson and Doris Day. You can get these dolls on Amazon for 40 bucks right now. If I could remember anything about that movie, I would definitely have purchased this set. I can only remember Doris Day from the Hitchcock movie,
The Man Who Knew Too Much. Anyway--the dolls look great in real life.
I chose William and Kate because I love the British royal family, I am a sucker for wedding dresses, and because the William doll was grinning at me and I found it kinda irresistible:
William and Catherine Barbie Gold Label set |