My kids have always loved Legos. My youngest son is particularly passionate about these toys, and has built some impressive models over the years. We've also owned a certain number of Mega Bloks sets--the most memorable ones being from the Dragons series. While my kids were never as happy with the design of Mega Bloks' actual building blocks, we were all amazed by the realism of the dragon figures, and my eldest son played with his Mega Bloks dragon hoard for years. Despite my family's passion for building, I rarely talk about this kind of toy here on the blog. I did a
short post way back when the Lego Friends were first introduced, but nothing since then.
Despite the atypical subject of this review, it was actually inspired by a doll. I was browsing the aisles of Walmart when I came across a display of Mega Bloks Barbie mini figures. These tiny 2.5 inch dolls are packaged in single lipstick-sized boxes and cost under $3 each. I've seen these Barbie figures before--or at least seen the place on the shelf where they should be--but usually the display is mostly empty and not very appealing. On this particular day, the display was almost completely full, with six different varieties of doll in stock. I was struck by how fun the range of dolls was: there were several versions of Barbie, two Ken dolls, and a Nikki. There was even a Barbie with pink hair! Since the aisles were packed with out-of-school kids begging their reluctant parents for a new toy, I was also struck by how clever this individual packaging is. For kids over four, these mini figures offer a cute, articulated Barbie figure that costs less than than a latte.
I scooped up a few of these mini dolls, thinking that they would offer a fun, quick, mid-week review of what seemed like a nice, detailed, portable little Barbie doll:
Mega Bloks Barbie figure. |