I heard about the brand-new Make it Mine ("MiM") company and their debut doll line back in December on
Terri's blog. The first thing I noticed about these dolls was that they have a centaur body option. That's not something you see every day. As a person who likes dolls and horses quite a lot, a centaur doll has always been near the top of my list of things to add to my collection. There aren't a ton of centaur dolls out there, though. SOOM of Korea made an
exquisite unicorn centaur doll a while ago (gasp!), but if you pile all of the different options and extras for him into your shopping cart (because I would want
everything in those pictures!) it gets really pricey. And he's sold out. SOOM also had some smaller
wood centaur dolls that were less expensive, but also less impressive. Domadoll has a cute centaur, too, but I am not sure if it is still available for order. Jpop Dolls has a relatively inexpensive centaur BJD named Elise who has especially nice horse parts. I think there was one other very well-done BJD centaur on my radar, but I've forgotten where I saw it. The MiM doll with a centaur body can be yours for about $134, making it the least expensive articulated centaur doll I have seen to date.
After glimpsing those first pictures, I took a look at the MiM website to learn more. MiM dolls are advertised as 16" plastic ball-jointed dolls. I guess the term "ball-jointed doll" applies to any doll with ball-and-socket joints. I agree with
Wikipedia, though, when they say that "BJD" usually means a resin doll strung with elastic and made in Asia, which MiM is not. Oh, well. The MiM doll has several customizable parts, which definitely fits with my idea of what a BJD should be. Not only is there a centaur body, but MiM dolls can be mermaids, too. Cool! The Make it Mine website is very fun. I've visited there many times since December, recreationally filling and un-filling my cart. You can choose between different skin colors, faces, wigs, eye colors and outfit options and the site will show you a picture of approximately what your doll will look like. It reminds me a lot of the Hasbro
Lorifina dolls and their website. Here what the MiM face looks like:
MiM doll. |