I've been doing a lot of organizing and cleaning in preparation for the upcoming repair of my studio ceiling. All of this work has unearthed several dolls that I honestly forgot I owned. For example, I purchased the doll I'm reviewing today--Vivienne by Global Girl--back in the fall of 2014. At that time I was exploring many different kinds of 18-21 inch play dolls, and the Global Girl company was suggested to me as an interesting new addition to the market. The company's mission is to use dolls and books to expose kids to different cultures and countries around the world. This is definitely the kind of mission I appreciate. I also like to support new doll companies, and so I happily purchased Vivienne, Global Girl's character from France.
So why didn't I review this doll when I first got her? Well, first of all, I didn't have a great ordering experience with the company. I'll assume they've improved their customer service over the last few years and leave it at that. But, more importantly, when Vivienne arrived, I immediately took her out of the box to inspect her face...and discovered that she had terrible staining all around her neck from her dark scarf. So, I popped her back into her box and pondered what to do next. As a general rule, I don't like to review dolls that I know I'll dislike, especially when I'm dealing with a small start-up company. So, I tucked Vivienne away in a corner and procrastinated over the review...for two and a half years.
When I discovered Vivienne in her corner the other day, I figured it was time for her to come out of hiding and earn her keep. Another thing that prompted me to finally write this review is the fact that (from what I can tell) very few people have reviewed the Global Girls over the past few years, and most of those reviews come from sites that were given a doll for free. You know how I feel about that. So, for better or for worse, here's Miss Vivienne:
"Vivienne" by Global Girl, $89.99. |