I don't collect Barbie dolls, so I don't know a whole lot about them. In fact, I never had a single Barbie doll when I was growing up. I think this was because my mom didn't approve of them, skinny waists and all. One other possible explanation for my lack of Barbies is that whenever I was given a doll with rooted hair, I would gradually cut off all the hair until it was just a wreckage of uneven spikes (and then I would poke the spikey ends into the head with a pencil). So, yeah. That could be it, too.
For one reason or another, I have mostly avoided the Barbie aisle for my entire life. However, when Mattel released the "Fashionista" line and I learned that the dolls have exchangeable
heads, I was interested. Actually, on these dolls the whole head and shoulder unit comes off, and you can buy extra head attachments to change the look of your doll. This means that stores have extra heads for sale on the shelves. Picture it: rows and rows of disembodied Barbie heads smiling out at you from shiny plastic boxes. It's a little weird. I
had to get one and try it out. The trouble is, I know so little about Barbies that I bought the wrong thing. I bought a doll that said "Fashionista" on the box, and I bought a head that matched her skin tone and also said "Fashionista," but when I got everything home and tried to get the doll's head off, it simply would not come off. So, the first thing I learned about the Fashionista line is that not all of the dolls have interchangeable heads. Watch out for that.
About a week ago, I got an email asking me if I had ever considered reviewing the Barbie Fashionistas. Well, I have to admit that I had been waiting for an excuse to give the head-swapping adventure another try. I mean, I still have the head I bought sitting here in its box with no body to put it on. Armed with new determination, I headed out to Toys R Us and bought this:
Fashionista Artsy |